Secondary Teaching for Mastery
Teaching for Mastery Development
Secondary schools that want to introduce and embed teaching for mastery can nominate two teachers (Mastery Advocates) to join a Work Group. You will be part of a locally-based group of teachers who meet regularly to develop professional knowledge and expertise, as well as receiving bespoke, in-school support from a Mastery Specialist.
In a Teaching for Mastery Work Group you will:
collaborate with colleagues from other local schools to share best practice
get individual school support and guidance from a local leader of maths education (LLME)
take away ideas to help your students become more confident mathematicians, ready to tackle GCSEs and A levels
introduce and embed teaching for mastery in your classroom and department
Mastery Teaching is based on five 'BIG IDEAS'
To look more deeply into these ideas, please click on these links:
If you are interested into adopting these ideas in your department and would like to get involved in our Mastery Projects, please click here for a direct link to the NCETM page for full details or review the Teaching for Mastery Maths Secondary School Pathway.
For a range of teaching resources across all phases, useful during the pandemic and beyond click here: Teaching maths through the pandemic | NCETM
Advice with shaping the year 7 curriculum, building on year 6
For a range of teaching resources to support Secondary Teachers
Checkpoints - A year's worth of Year 7 maths activities to help teachers assess understanding and lay foundations for KS3.
Secondary Teaching for Mastery Opportunities
New Schools: Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development
This Development Work Group is part of the continuing programme to develop teaching for mastery in maths in secondary schools.
Schools who participated in this Work Group will then join the Embedding Work Group for their second year. This will allow participant schools to develop a teaching for mastery approach to implement the DFE KS3 Guidance. Each school will develop their own practice and are empowered by their Head of Departments to start to bring about changes within the department.
Time Commitment: 5 half days (1-4pm) sessions and 5 school visits.
Suitable for: Secondary
Returning Schools: Secondary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining
This project is for schools who have been through development and embedding to continue their journey. This Work Group will provide the opportunity for schools to sustain, improve and refine secondary teaching for mastery in maths in their schools. This will allow participant schools to develop a teaching for mastery approach to implement the DFE KS3 Guidance. By training the department through the individual, changes will be brought about within the department by the empowered participant.
Time Commitment: 1 full day and 4 afternoon sessions
Suitable for: Secondary
Secondary Mastery
Mastery Specialists are classroom practitioners who have developed expertise in the mastery approach to teaching maths. Through rigorous and interactive training, they have become experts in introducing and embedding mastery. After first developing a mastery approach in their own classrooms, they progress to supporting colleagues in their own and other schools.
Applications should be submitted by 5pm on 14 March 2025.
Secondary Teaching for Mastery Q & A
What are Teaching for Mastery Advocates?
Secondary schools that want to introduce and embed teaching for mastery can nominate two teachers (Mastery Advocates) to join a Work Group. You will be part of a locally-based group of teachers who meet regularly to develop professional knowledge and expertise, as well as receiving bespoke, in-school support from a Mastery Specialist.
In a Teaching for Mastery Work Group you will:
collaborate with colleagues from other local schools to share best practice
get individual school support and guidance from a local leader of maths education (LLME)
take away ideas to help your students become more confident mathematicians, ready to tackle GCSEs and A levels
introduce and embed teaching for mastery in your classroom and department

What are Teaching for Mastery Specialists?
Mastery Specialists are classroom practitioners who develop expertise in the mastery approach to teaching maths. Through rigorous and interactive training, they become experts in introducing and embedding mastery. After first developing a mastery approach in their own classrooms, they go on to support colleagues in their own and other schools.
Year One: you participate in several professional development events and focus on developing your own classroom teaching.
Year Two: your focus is on developing teaching for mastery approaches within your own department and honing your skills in leading professional development.
Year Three: and beyond: you support key teachers in other local schools to develop a teaching for mastery approach within their own departments.

Throughout you will keep in touch with other specialists across the country in online groups, where you can share experiences and continue developmental conversations.
To support you in developing your role as a leader of professional development, you will be enrolled in the NCETM’s PD Lead Development and Accreditation Programme during the second year of the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme.
What is the difference between advocates and specialists?
The difference is, as an advocate your focus is on your school. You also receive a one to one support from a specialist. As a specialist the focus will be to help implement Teaching for Mastery within other schools. The training is from the NCTEM central team.
Can you become a specialist if you are an advocate?
Yes! Your school would still continue with the Teaching for Mastery programme and another staff member would take your place as an advocate.