Secondary Mastery Specialists
Mastery Specialists are classroom practitioners who have developed expertise in the mastery approach to teaching maths. Through rigorous and interactive training, they have become experts in introducing and embedding mastery. After first developing a mastery approach in their own classrooms, they progress to supporting colleagues in their own and other schools.
Want to find out more about becoming a Secondary Mastery Specialist?

Year Three and beyond: you support key teachers in other local schools to develop a teaching for mastery approach within their own department

Year Two: your focus is on developing teaching for mastery approaches within your own department and honing your skills in leading professional development.
What is involved?
Year One: you participate in several professional development events and focus on developing your own classroom teaching.
All the time, you keep in touch with other specialists across the country in online groups. You can share experiences and continue developmental conversations. To support you in developing your role as a leader of professional development you will be enrolled in the NCETM’s PD Lead Development and Accreditation Programme during the second year of the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme.
2025/26 Secondary Mastery Specialists Cohort 10 programme
Following the success of the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme thus far, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from secondary schools that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important three-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Secondary Mastery Specialist. In order to apply for the 2025/26 programme, you will first need to read the information document.
Meet our Secondary Mastery Specialist Team

Teaching for Mastery Kemnal Technology College

Secondary Mastery Lead

Woodmansterne School

"I have been teaching mathematics for 17 years. Taking part in the Teaching for Mastery programme has rejuvenated my practice and taught me so much, even after only 3 meetings. My year 7 and 8 students are thinking far more deeply about mathematical concepts and I firmly believe this will lead to them become far more competent mathematicians, as well as resulting in them appreciating the beauty of mathematics, beyond being a collection of facts and processes. I would wholeheartedly encourage any teacher considering the programme to get on board. They will not regret it."
Head of Maths at St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School (2021)