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Primary Work Groups

2024-2025 Projects

Primary Teaching
for Mastery Development

Applications have now closed


This Development Work Group is part of the continuing programme to develop teaching for mastery in maths in primary schools. 

Schools who participated in the Development Work Group will then join the Embedding Work Group for their second year. This will allow them to continue building on their existing subject knowledge and scaling up teaching for mastery approaches. Each Work Group is led by a trained primary Mastery Specialist and meet regularly to plan, observe and discuss teaching for mastery.

Time Commitment: 6 half day TRGs and 3 school visits

Suitable for: Primary


Primary Teaching
for Mastery Embedding

Applications have now closed


This Embedding project is part of the continuing programme to embed teaching for mastery in maths in primary schools. 

Schools who participated in the Development Work Group will join this Embedding Work Group for their second year. This will allow them to continue building on their existing subject knowledge and scaling up teaching for mastery approaches. Each Work Group is led by a trained primary Mastery Specialist and meet regularly to plan, observe and discuss teaching for mastery.

Time Commitment: 6 half day TRGs and 1 school visit

Suitable for: Primary

Primary Teaching
for Mastery Sustaining


This project is for schools who have been through development and embedding to continue their journey. This Work Group will provide the opportunity for schools to sustain, improve and refine primary teaching for mastery in maths in their schools. Each Work Group is led by a trained primary Mastery Specialist and meet regularly to plan, observe and discuss teaching for mastery.

Time Commitment: equivalent of 6 half day TRGs

Suitable for: Primary

Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics -
Early Years Teachers

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This programme supports Early Years teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics to Reception pupils, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.  

Time Commitment: equivalent of 4 full days

Suitable for: Early Years

Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics -
Primary Teachers

Applications have now closed


This programme supports primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, building on the primary maths National Curriculum to develop distinct pedagogical decision-making which impacts on classroom practice.

Time Commitment: equivalent of 4 full days

Suitable for: Primary

Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics -
Primary Teaching Assistants

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This programme is designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.

Time Commitment: equivalent of 4 full days

Suitable for: Early Years, Primary

Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics -
Primary Early Career Teachers - Phase 1

Applications have now closed


This project is designed to support primary early career teachers (teachers in their first or second year of teaching) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in maths in the classroom.

Time Commitment: equivalent of 4 full days

Suitable for: Primary

Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics -
Primary Early Career Teachers - Phase 2


This project is designed to support primary early career teachers who have engaged with Phase 1 before engaging with this phase in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in maths in the classroom.

Time Commitment: equivalent of 4 full days

Suitable for: Primary

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Mastering Number at KS2


The project offers schools that are involved in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1, and are also in a Sustaining Work Group, the opportunity for teachers to develop the knowledge and skills to secure good multiplicative number sense and automaticity in times tables. The programme will focus on Years 4 and 5. Junior schools who are in a Sustaining Work Group may also apply.

Time Commitment: 6 sessions

Suitable for: Primary

Applications have now closed

Mastering Number (Embedding the Impact Community)


The community is for schools that have previously engaged in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 and are engaged in a Teaching for Mastery programme. One nominated Lead Teacher will act as a Mastering Number Lead to engage in the Community and will receive support to make Mastering Number a permanent element of the school curriculum.

Suitable for: Early Years, Primary

Applications have now closed

Mastering Number
at Reception & KS1

Applications have now closed


This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

Time Commitment: 6 sessions

Suitable for: Early Years, Primary

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