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Post - 16 Mastery Specialists

Mastery Specialists are classroom practitioners who have developed expertise in the mastery approach to teaching maths. Through rigorous and interactive training, they have become experts in introducing and embedding mastery. After first developing a mastery approach in their own classrooms, they progress to supporting  colleagues in their own and other schools.

Want to find out more about becoming a Post - 16 Mastery Specialist?

Following the success of the Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist Programmes, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from Further Education establishments that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important two-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Post-16 GCSE/FSQ Mastery Specialist. The programme is aimed at those who teach GCSE Mathematics resit and/or Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs).

Meet our Post - 16 Mastery Specialist Team

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