Jane Scarsbrook

Jane has 18 years experience in teaching and leading primary schools in London. Jane developed an interest in children's reasoning in mathematics during her initial teacher training and achieved Advanced Skills Teacher status as a class teacher for her work supporting colleagues as well as leading maths across a federation of five schools. Alongside her career as a senior leader, Jane completed an MA in Education with a focus on children's imaginative talk in maths and went on to pursue doctoral research at Cambridge University into children's reasoning about shape, space and measure. Jane completed her PhD in 2021; she is now Headteacher of Glenbrook Primary School in Clapham Park, a Thames Maths Hub partner school.
As a Headteacher Advocate for the Thames Maths Hub, Jane welcomes enquiries about upcoming Mastery showcase events at Glenbrook Primary School. Jane works with an expert team of teachers at Glenbrook including a Mastery specialist teacher. The Glenbrook teaching team is committed to the principles of the Mastery approach and to ensuring that children develop confidence and fluency at each stage of their maths journey. In 2022 Glenbrook's maths results in Year 6 were significantly above the national and Lambeth averages. Jane's main aim is that all pupils see themselves as mathematicians and enjoy every new challenge.
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