Kamuran Kulavuz

Kamuran Kulavuz has been teaching primary Maths since 2015. He is currently Maths Leader of Learning at Clapham Manor Primary School. With experience across KS1 and KS2, Kamuran has a passion for making Maths lessons as interactive and engaging for learners as possible. Focusing on using the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) Kamuran's lessons involve a variety of manipulatives that help children understand the Mathematics being taught using physical objects before moving into abstract concepts. Maths Talk is another passion and Kamuran's lessons are student led promoting collaboration, discussion and conjecture from pupils. This is Kamuran's first year working with the Maths Hub as a Primary Maths Specialist. He will be leading a Development Work Group for a number of primary schools across the Maths Hub London Thames region.