Grahame MacMullen

Grahame has been a primary school teacher since 2010 and Maths subject leader at St Mark's in Bromley since 2015. He is a qualified NCETM Primary Mastery Specialist and an Accredited Professional Development Lead for mathematics. Working with NCETM since 2016 has transformed his teaching of mathematics. Using the big ideas of mastery has lead to significantly improved outcomes and far greater achievement and enjoyment of maths for ALL children, based on a deep understanding of mathematical structures and connections and far greater fluency. He enjoys working with classroom teachers, head teachers and Trust leaders to help them to develop a deep understanding of mastery pedagogy and develop a culture of professional learning, reflection and observation in their school. He believes passionately that with the right teaching every child can achieve in maths and that every teacher deserves excellent ongoing professional development. He has been the Maths leader in his Trust since 2019 and is now also the Maths Curriculum leader.